
KLogo displays the Kolibri logo and provides functionality to manipulate it such as setting its dimensions, color scheme, animation, and background.


Default display

Shows Kolibri logo.

Kolibri Logo

        altText="Kolibri logo"

Display with backgrounds

Shows Kolibri logo with background.

Kolibri Logo with background

        altText="Kolibri Logo with background"

Shows Kolibri logo with rectangular background.

Kolibri Logo with rectangular background

        altText="Kolibri Logo with rectangular background"

Display with animation

Shows Kolibri logo with loading animation.

Kolibri Logo with loading animation

        altText="Kolibri Logo with loading animation"

Display with different color schemes

Different color schemes can be used - but only with the showBackground prop. Note the transparent lines for the monochrome logos.

Color scheme: monoBlack

Kolibri Logo

Color scheme: monoWhite

Kolibri Logo

Color scheme: monoPrimary

Kolibri Logo

Color scheme: monoSecondary

Kolibri Logo

Color scheme: whiteGrey

Kolibri Logo

Color scheme: blackGrey

Kolibri Logo


You can apply the most common dimensions to the image container via the props size, maxSize, and minSize. Values may be either numbers or strings consisting of a numeral and a valid unit. The following units are supported: %, cm, em, ex, ch, in, lh, mm, px, rem, rlh, vh, vw. If you don't provide a unit, px will be used by default.

        altText="A hummingbird logo"

Alternative text

Alternative text (altText) is required for the logo image. When creating it, consider the following:

  • If the logo is used as a flat image, you can use the string "Kolibri logo"
  • If the the logo is used as a link, then the alternative text needs to give the context where the link is leading (for example "Go to home page", or similar)


Name Description Type Default Required
Alternative text for the logo
string '' true
Sets the size for the logo
number|string undefined
Sets the maximum size for the logo
number|string undefined
Sets the minimum size for the logo
number|string undefined
Whether to show the blob background for the logo
boolean false
The background style for the logo: blob, rect
string 'blob'
The color scheme for the logo: default, monoBlack, monoWhite, monoPrimary, monoSecondary, whiteGrey, blackGrey
string 'default'
Whether to show the loading animation for the logo - only works for non-mono colorSchemes
boolean false